Posted: Mon 11 Jun, 2018, 19:24
Some routine maintenance after a bike ride around Arran revealed a rather bigger problem than I suspected with my seatpost.
Posted: Fri 23 Sep, 2016, 19:32
Helping my son to learn piano is one of the most difficult things. My thoughts on why it is so tricky and what might help him (and me!)
Posted: Wed 15 Jun, 2016, 14:32
The EU referendum is almost here. It is not an easy one, but wanted to share my thoughts on this important decision.
Posted: Sun 17 May, 2015, 15:01
A tribute a wonderful BBC institution by Lisa Knapp.
Posted: Tue 05 May, 2015, 13:45
Using the Myer Briggs character test to find out what we are really like.
Posted: Fri 15 Aug, 2014, 13:47
The insanity of endless feedback and appraisals encountered at most corporates.